Aimpoint 9000SC ACET Tech

$1,005.00 inc. GST

SKU: BPFAIMPOINT9000SC Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Ever since their introduction in 2005, market response to Aimpoint’s 9000 series sights has been very strong, with wide acceptance by the hunting and sport shooting communities. The 9000’s combination of a high quality optics at an affordable price has kept this sight in high demand. Turkey and deer hunters The Aimpoint® 9000SC is the top choice for wildboar, deer and turkey hunters. It works perfectly when you need a really tough sight for handguns with heavy recoil. Dot size Available in your choice of 2 MOA or 4 MOA dots, the 9000SC will amaze you with its versatility. The ten position rotary intensity switch provides the perfect level of brightness for any situation from dark to bright sunlight. Unique features of the Aimpoint® 9000SC Ideal for rifles with shorter actions, semi-automatic firearms and magnum handguns ACET technology allows 50,000 hours of operation on one battery Available in 2 dot sizes (2 and 4 MOA) 2-ring configuration fits nearly all 30mm ring mounting systems Fully waterproof Standard features for all Aimpoint® sights Unlimited field of view Parallax-free and unlimited eye relief Unaffected by extreme weather conditions Rugged, durable construction No hazardous materials No laser emission that could be harmful to your eyes Increased aiming confidence